Michael H. Lester, JD CPA

Business Management

Michael H. Lester, JD CPA
Business Management

Michael H. Lester is a CPA and attorney practicing business management in Los Angeles, California, representing clients primarily in the entertainment industry, medicine, and real estate.

More than thirty years experience in income tax preparation and planning, estate and gift tax, and financial planning.

Represents individuals, corporations, LLCs, partnerships, trusts and estates.

Other practice areas include:

Tax Services

  • Tax preparation and tax planning
  • Estate & Trust Tax Preparation 
  • International Taxation
  • IRS Representation

Consulting Services

  • Business Entity Selection
  • Budgets, forecasts and projections
  • Business entity formation, operation, combinations, and dissolution
  • Retirement Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Investment Planning

Accounting Services

  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Banking

Business management 

  • Providing management services specifically to the needs of clients
  • Representing clients doing business abroad 
  • Assessing insurance needs and obtaining optimum coverage
  • Assisting in the acquisition and leasing of property both tangible and intangible
  • Assembling and interfacing with other professionals as necessary

Michael H. Lester, JD CPA
Business Management

Career Opportunities:

International Account Executive

Junior Accountant